This project presents an implementation of the Short-Odd Long-Even (SOLE) encoding scheme presented in \cite{patrascu10trits}. SOLE provides an online, prefix-free encoding with excellent locality properties. %\paragraph{Motivation} Its development was motivated by the problem of representing a vector $A[1\dots n]$ of elements from some alphabet $\Sigma$, and showed as a result how to represent $A$ using ``{\itshape $\lceil n\log_2{\Sigma}\rceil$ bits, such that any element of the vector can be read or written in constant time.}'' %\paragraph{Applications in cryptography} Given a stream $n$ blocks of $b$ bits, we can output a prefix-free encoding using at most $n+3$ blocks. Prefix-freeness is useful in cryptographic applications, since it is a simple counter-measure to extension attacks and methods like CBC-MAC require the input messages $M$ to be prefix-free in order to be secure. %\paragraph{This project} In \Fref[plain]{sec:overview} we demonstrate how the SOLE encoding scheme works and discuss some useful observations for implementation. Next, in \Fref{sec:impl} we examine the requirements for an online encoding and decoding in C using 128 bit blocks. Finally in \Fref{sec:comp} we conclude with a small benchmark comparison to a ``naive'' encoding scheme.