# -*-muttrc-*- set realname='Thomas Bracht Laumann Jespersen' set pager_context = 5 set pager_index_lines = 10 set edit_headers set tilde set mbox_type=Maildir set folder=$HOME/mailbox/laumann-xyz set from="t@laumann.xyz" set spoolfile=+INBOX set record=+Sent mailboxes "+Archive" "+Drafts" "+INBOX" "+Sent" "+Junk" "+Trash" virtual-mailboxes "inbox" "notmuch://?query=tag:inbox" virtual-mailboxes "kernelnewbies" "notmuch://?query=tag:kernelnewbies" virtual-mailboxes "gentoo-bugs" "notmuch://?query=tag:gentoo-bugs" set sort=threads set sort_aux=reverse-last-date-received set editor = 'vim' set sort_re set ssl_starttls = yes set ssl_force_tls = yes source ~/.dotfiles/neomutt/secret # Keybindings bind pager j next-line bind pager k previous-line bind attach,index,pager \CD next-page bind attach,index,pager \CU previous-page bind pager g top bind pager G bottom bind attach,index g first-entry bind attach,index G last-entry source ~/.dotfiles/neomutt/subscriptions # Macro: macro index,pager A "=Archive" macro index S "/home/tj/.bin/checkmail.sh 2>&1" "sync email and run notmuch" # color index_author cyan default '.*' # color index_size green default color index_flags brightcyan default '.*' # color index_date color238 default #set index_format="%Z %-12.12B %-18.18Fp │ %s %> %{%b %d %Y %H:%M}" #set index_format="%Z %-12.12B %-18.18Fp ╎ %s %> %{%b %d %Y %H:%M}" set date_format = "%d/%m %H:%M" set index_format="[%Z] %D %-25.25Fp %@subj_flags@ %s %> %cr" ## color index brightgreen black ~F ## color index blue default "~N|~O" #color indicator default color238 ##color indicator black color230 ## color index color238 black ~D ##color index black default "~N|~O" #color index black default ~N|~O #color index color247 default ~R #color status black blue color indicator black lightyellow color index black default ~N|~O color index color247 default ~R color status white blue set sidebar_visible = yes # Use utf-8 as send encoding... set send_charset='utf-8' # I hope this means to encrypt when we can... set crypt_opportunistic_encrypt = yes set pgp_default_key = '94DC1AEB62B1E0B4FDC5DC3A85C9FB9C4405C282' # message headers ------------------------------------------------------ #color hdrdefault green default color header brightblack default "^(From)" color header brightblack default "^(Subject)" # body ----------------------------------------------------------------- #color quoted blue default #color quoted1 cyan default #color quoted2 yellow default #color quoted3 red default #color quoted4 brightred default #color body white default ~A #color signature brightwhite default #color bold white default #color underline white default #color normal white black source ~/.dotfiles/neomutt/aliases # Set the display filter... set allow_ansi = yes set display_filter = "~/.dotfiles/neomutt/display_filter.sh" set fast_reply = yes set include = yes # XXX This setting is necessary to make bold-only (\033[1m) escape sequences # generated by display_filter display properly. # # > flatcap: by default "bold" isn't coloured. "color bold bold default default" will # configure what you expected to see color bold bold default default # Patch syntax highlighting # Taken from https://www.do-not-panic.com/2014/07/colored-diffs-with-mutt.html # (and modified to avoid too much brightwhite) #color normal white default #color body white default ^[[:space:]].* #color body white default ^(diff).* #color body white default ^[\-\-\-].* #color body white default ^[\+\+\+].* #color body green default ^[\+].* #color body red default ^[\-].* #color body white default [@@].* #color body white default ^(\s).* #color body white default ^(Signed-off-by).* #color body white default ^(Cc)