package irc // IRC replies. const ( rplWelcome = "001" // :Welcome message rplYourhost = "002" // :Your host is... rplCreated = "003" // :This server was created... rplMyinfo = "004" // rplIsupport = "005" // 1*13 :are supported by this server rplUmodeis = "221" // rplLuserclient = "251" // : users and services on servers rplLuserop = "252" // :operator(s) online rplLuserunknown = "253" // :unknown connection(s) rplLuserchannels = "254" // :channels formed rplLuserme = "255" // :I have clients and servers rplAdminme = "256" // :Admin info rplAdminloc1 = "257" // : rplAdminloc2 = "258" // : rplAdminmail = "259" // : rplAway = "301" // : rplUnaway = "305" // :You are no longer marked as being away rplNowaway = "306" // :You have been marked as being away rplWhoisuser = "311" // * : rplWhoisserver = "312" // : rplWhoisoperator = "313" // :is an IRC operator rplEndofwho = "315" // :End of WHO list rplWhoisidle = "317" // [] :seconds idle [, signon time] rplEndofwhois = "318" // :End of WHOIS list rplWhoischannels = "319" // :*( (@/+) " " ) rplList = "322" // <# of visible members> rplListend = "323" // :End of list rplChannelmodeis = "324" // rplNotopic = "331" // :No topic set rplTopic = "332" // rplTopicwhotime = "333" // rplInviting = "341" // rplInvitelist = "346" // rplEndofinvitelist = "347" // :End of invite list rplExceptlist = "348" // rplEndofexceptlist = "349" // :End of exception list rplVersion = "351" // : rplWhoreply = "352" // "H"/"G" ["*"] [("@"/"+")] : rplNamreply = "353" // <=/*/@> :1*(@/ /+user) rplEndofnames = "366" // :End of names list rplBanlist = "367" // rplEndofbanlist = "368" // :End of ban list rplInfo = "371" // : rplMotd = "372" // :- rplEndofinfo = "374" // :End of INFO rplMotdstart = "375" // :- Message of the day - rplEndofmotd = "376" // :End of MOTD command rplYoureoper = "381" // :You are now an operator rplRehashing = "382" // :Rehashing rplTime = "391" // :