/// This is an implementation of an echo server. /// One process reads input and sends it to the other process, which outputs it. extern crate session_types; use session_types::*; use std::thread::spawn; type Srv = Offer<Eps, Recv<String, Var<Z>>>; fn srv(c: Chan<(), Rec<Srv>>) { let mut c = c.enter(); loop { c = offer! { c, CLOSE => { println!("Closing server."); c.close(); break }, RECV => { let (c, s) = c.recv(); println!("Received: {}", s); c.zero() } }; } } type Cli = <Srv as HasDual>::Dual; fn cli(c: Chan<(), Rec<Cli>>) { let stdin = std::io::stdin(); let mut count = 0usize; let mut c = c.enter(); let mut buf = String::with_capacity(1024); loop { stdin.read_line(&mut buf).ok().unwrap(); if !buf.is_empty() { buf.pop(); } match &buf[..] { "q" => { let c = c.sel2().send(format!("{} lines sent", count)); c.zero().sel1().close(); println!("Client quitting"); break; } _ => { c = c.sel2().send(buf.clone()).zero(); buf.clear(); count += 1; } } } } fn main() { let (c1, c2) = session_channel(); println!("Starting echo server. Press 'q' to quit."); let t = spawn(move || srv(c1)); cli(c2); let _ = t.join(); }