2022-08-04T20:52+02:00 Hello world! 2022-08-04T21:48+02:00 Started reading up on pijul again and dug out the paper on a categorical theory of patches 2022-08-04T21:53+02:00 docs for twtxt are here: https://twtxt.readthedocs.io 2022-08-04T21:53+02:00 currently not following anyone, basically typing into the void* here [edited] 2022-08-04T21:57+02:00 just fixed the previous "tweet", as a convention I'll append "[edited]" to tweets I edit after the first post 2022-08-04T21:57+02:00 but anything I change should also be visible in the git history of the repo tracking this file: http://git.laumann.xyz/zx50ef/log/site/twtxt.txt 2022-08-14T10:08+02:00 Online payment systems that require executing js bum me out... 2022-08-14T10:25+02:00 if you ever want to get a sense of how broken the web would be w/o js, go install noscript 2022-08-14T10:39+02:00 check out my custom twtxt script for creating new posts: http://git.laumann.xyz/zx50ef/tree/tw.sh